Implemented Projects


"Literature of Azerbaijani Talysh" (Volume 2) by Jamal Lalazoa

In February 2024, the 2nd volume of the Talysh-language collection " Literature of Azerbaijani Talysh" was published in Baku with the support of the International Talysh Foundation. The book includes 38 articles by Jamal Lalazoa on the life and works of 34 different Talysh writers.

Author of the book and project manager: J. Lalazoa
Editor: A. Bayrami
Budget allocated by ITF: 600 euros

"The weight of love is borne by the soul" by Bahram Shams

In February 2024, with the support of the International Talysh Support Foundation, a collection of poems "The Weight of Love Is Borne by the Soul" by Talysh poet Bahram Shams was published in Baku.

Author of the book and project manager: B. Shams
Budget allocated by ITF: 200 euros

"Deylaman" by Rahim Huseynov

In January 2024, with the support of the International Talysh Foundation the song "Deylaman" by Rahim Huseynov to lyrics of Bahaddin Jamiyati based on Talysh folk music was released.

Author of lyrics: B. Jamiyati
Song performer: R. Huseynov
Budget allocated by ITF: 275 euros

Your Support

The Foundation's resources and budget come from voluntary contributions, donations and gifts, including bequests, and other income. All funds received shall be used to finance projects meeting the goals of the International Talysh Foundation.

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Preserving the past, protecting the present, creating the future


Fund details

International Talysh Foundation

Fund code: 306672627

Giruliu g. 5, LT-12124 Vilnius, Lietuva (Lithuania)

+370 60189998

Bank details of the fund

Bank account: LT584010051005865233

Bank: Luminor Bank AS

Bank code: 40100