Implemented Projects
"Archaeological Research" by Jacques de Morgan.
In April 2023, with the support of the International Talysh Foundation, fragments of the French
archaeologist Jacques de Morgan's book "Archaeological Research" about the Talysh region
were published in the Turkic (Azerbaijani) language. The original edition was published in Paris
in 1896.
Project manager: J. Aliyev
Translation from French: I. Murtuzaev
Translation editor: T. Akhundov and H. Akhundova
Support budget allocated by the International Talysh Foundation: 960 Eur
Zulfugar Ahmedzade Pensaj medal
In June 2023 the International Talysh Foundation established an annual national award for significant contributions to the development of literature in the Talysh language - the Zulfigar Ahmedzadeh Pensaj Medal.
The first laureate of the prize was the famous Talysh poet Khanali Tolysh. The award ceremony
took place in his native village of Gyzlav on 01 October 2023.
Budget allocated by ITF: 500 Eur